Generating Report and Log files

i was wondering if there are built in options to generate report and log files in different paths each
for exemple :slight_smile: /home/Desktop/robot_framework_reports and /home/Desktop/robot_framework_logs
thank you

Hi Louay,

To to that, I think you would need to specify the full path to the files individually using these options:

 -o --output file         XML output file. Given path, similarly as paths given
                          to --log, --report, --xunit, and --debugfile, is
                          relative to --outputdir unless given as an absolute
                          path. Other output files are created based on XML
                          output files after the test execution and XML outputs
                          can also be further processed with Rebot tool. Can be
                          disabled by giving a special value `NONE`.
                          Default: output.xml
 -l --log file            HTML log file. Can be disabled by giving a special
                          value `NONE`. Default: log.html
                          Examples: `--log mylog.html`, `-l NONE`
 -r --report file         HTML report file. Can be disabled with `NONE`
                          similarly as --log. Default: report.html

It’s usually easier to just use the -d option to specify a directory for all the files to go to that’s unique for each run, and keep them together with any screenshots.


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thank you vey much Dave i think i’ll do that and change the path manually i thought there’s a magical solution already implemented

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If you’re using VS code, you can do it by setting the path in the settings.JSON

“launch”: {
“configurations”: [
“type”: “robotframework-lsp”,
“name”: “Robot Framework: Launch Template”,
“request”: “launch”,
“terminal”: “integrated”,
“args”: [“–outputdir”, “this is your path”]

When you run the tests by the IDE buttons, all outputs will be extracted in this path. When you run your tests in the command line, indeed you should set the -d parameter as Dave mentioned.

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