Error in running SDK application test cases in Linux

I am currently working on a project where I have to write automated test cases in Linux environment. I use Robot Framework as the test automation framework. The test cases are written for a SDK application that is non browser in nature. In Linux, using appium I keep getting the following error

WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: geckodriver binary cannot be found in PATH. Please make sure it is present on your system.

However, when I add geckodriver to the PATH in Linux and I execute my test cases it doesn’t show the output required rather, it opens a browser and closes it and passes the test case. Robot test code is the following

Open Application for Animation Example of RockSolid SDK Using Vulcan api
    Open Application  http://localhost:4723/wd/hub  platformName=Linux   app=/home/niskande/Documents/opt/RocksolidSDK/share/RocksolidSDK/examples/buildv/animation/ ./animation

If the app is “non browser nature” why you need Firefox?

You mention Appium, so is it an app for Android?

I dont need Firefox but the following error happens when I dont use geckodriver(Firefox):

WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: geckodriver binary cannot be found in PATH. Please make sure it is present on your system.

I mention Appium to use Appium as the mobile interface to launch the app in Linux. No it is not an app for Android. I have been successful in launching this app in Windows and Android platform but the dilemma occurs for Linux. I am not sure how to handle this error

Well, I still don’t understand the use of Appium in Linux.

I can only say that I needed to start appiumserver passing the argument for the location of chromedriver when using Chrome in Android.