Drag and Drop from a tab to another


First of all, happy new year 2024!

I’m looking for a tool, or a lib that could help me do a drag and drop from a tab to another.

I have 2 tabs : tab A that have the data and tab B where the data should go.
The only way I know is to do a drag and drop from tab A to tab B.

The tab A could be :

The tab B could be :

That is just an exemple!

I was told that the tool from Selenide could do the trick, but it’s in Java and not RF.

I looked on the Internet and there is some lib called Selene that is a Selenide written in Python.
no drag and drop from a tab to another.

Do you have any ideas ?



P.S. Original post was edited so that everyone can understand the issue :slight_smile:



What are you trying to ‘drag and drop’ from one tab to another?

You mention “data”, could you not just assign to a variable or save to a text file and then switch to the new tab and reuse it that way?


Hi @_daryl,

thanks for your reply.

I’m not able to assign or save the data, because I don’t have any access to the code nor the possibility to do it.
I’m tryting to automate the drag and drop part.

What I will show next is an example.

The tab A could be :

The tab B could be :

If I’m looking at the photos, I want to delete some by performing a drag and drop.

Again, It’s only an example.

Aha I personally haven’t come across any libraries or could suggest any without looking sorry; it does seem a little clunky as a feature to drag from one tab to another. The image cards in your examples look as though clicking the bin icon would be what you would use to delete them.

Hopefully with the image examples above and for what your trying to achieve, someone may be better placed to help :slight_smile:

Thanks and sorry I couldn’t be much help.

Thanks for your help and honesty.



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Hi @TextSolver34761,

Both SeleniumLibrary (Drag And Drop) and Browser Library (Drag And Drop) have a Drag And Drop keyword

But I suspect they only work within the same browser tab, it’s not clear from your screen shots whether the “Trash” pane is on the same tab as “Photo Manager” or the second browser tab in your screen shot? If it’s the latter, the second browser tab in your screen shot that would be a very unusual navigation so no library would do that out of the box with a drag and drop type keyword.

However you might be able to do it with these libraries

as they can do the following:

With SeleniumLibrary, you’ll probably need to do a Mouse Out, then switch to the next tab and then do a Mouse Over, not sure how well SeleniumLibrary will handle it?

With the other 2 libraries you may need to move the mouse multiple times before the Mouse Up in order to acheive what you want.

Hopefully this helps,


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hi @damies13,

Thanks for your answer.

It’s a very odd navigation !
Tab A is the “Photo Manager” and Tab B is the “Trah”.
I’m gonna try with your recommanded libraries.



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