Depends On Test + [Template]


I was refactoring a test case that may depend on another test, but I need to introduce a [Template] as part of the refactor. I receive an error (Unexpected argument: Do something A) when trying to use the Depends On Test line.


Test Do something B
    [Tags]  TAG-A  TAG-B
    [Documentation]  Some documenation
	Depends On Test  Do something A
    [Template]  Method that does some things with the data from the test case

You missed the continuation marker on the Documentation section:

Test Do something B
    [Tags]  TAG-A  TAG-B
    [Documentation]  Some documenation
    ...    Depends On Test  Do something A
    [Template]  Method that does some things with the data from the test case

Hi HelioGuilherme66,

Thanks for your response, but my intention is not to have the line Depends On Test Do something A to be part of the documentation, my intention is to have this line be functional, as I described initially.

I would like Test Do something B to depend on Test Do something A and also make use of a [Template] and it does not seem to be working.

I should perhaps add my environment details:

Python Release Python 3.10.0
IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2.4 (Community Edition)
robocorp.lsp.intellij (1.11.0)
PythonCore (232.10203.2)

You need to store the data from test A (in a file for example), and set a tag indicating the success of test A. Then in test B, usually at Setup, you check the tag from test A and proceed.

The way you are planning to do, is not possible because Robot Framework does not have that feature.

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