Debugging Robot files with Robot Code extension and remote process

He Jim,

as I wrote in the other thread, this is currently not possible.
The code on the python side (means robotcode) is already there, but I have to connect this with the VSCode side.

I’ve created an issue for this see [ENHANCEMENT] Debugger should support Remote debugging · Issue #86 · d-biehl/robotcode · GitHub

You can subscribe to this issue to get informed when it’s done.

> python -m robotcode.debugger --help
usage: robotcode.debugger [-h] [--version] [-p PORT] [-w] [-t TIMEOUT] [-c TIMEOUT] [--log] [--log-debugger] [-n] [--debug-asyncio] [--log-asyncio] [--log-colored]
                          [--log-config FILE] [--log-file FILE] [--log-level LEVEL] [--call-tracing] [--call-tracing-default-level LEVEL] [-d] [-dp PORT] [-dw] [-om] [-ol] [-og]
                          [-soe] [-- [ROBOT ARGS ...]]

RobotCode Debugger

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             shows the version and exits (default: False)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  server listen port (tcp) (default: 6612)
  -w, --wait-for-client
                        waits for an debug client to connect (default: False)
  -t TIMEOUT, --wait-for-client-timeout TIMEOUT
                        timeout to wait for an debug client to connect (default: 5.0)
  -c TIMEOUT, --configuration-done-timeout TIMEOUT
  -dp PORT, --debugpy-port PORT
                        sets the port for debugpy session (default: 6613)
  -dw, --debugpy-wait-for-client
                        waits for debugpy client to connect (default: False)
  -om, --output-messages
                        Send output messages from robotframework to client. (default: False)
  -ol, --output-log     Send log messages from robotframework to client. (default: False)
  -og, --group-output   Fold messages/log from robotframework to client. (default: False)
  -soe, --stop-on-entry
                        Stops on entry. (default: False)
  -- [ROBOT ARGS ...]   RobotFramework arguments. (see robot --help) (default: None)

this are the commandline argument of the robotcode.debugger. You can get, it if you install robotcode via pip in your remote environment, but please don’t install it in your environment where run vscode, because of conflicting robotcode python packages.

The robotcode.debugger supports already the usage of debugpy to connect with a python debugger, maybe you don’t need you where you start debugpy.