Controlling two remote library instances in one test case


We would like to control two Java FX application from the one test case. Below is simplified example from our test case (mytestcase.robot). I can control two UI instances via python code (see but how the same functionality are done by robot keyword? We have already implemented one “middleware library” on top of JavaFXLibrary using robot keywords, and it is last option to port all this functionality to the python code.

Thanks in advance,


*** Settings ***
Library     Remote    WITH NAME    JavaFXLibrary1
Library     Remote    WITH NAME    JavaFXLibrary2

*** Test Cases ***
Menu Test
    # This is working.
    ${args}=                        Create List     javafxlibrary.testapps.MenuApp
    Python Run Keyword              JavaFXLibrary2  Launch Javafx Application   ${args}
    ${args}=                        Create List     text="Learn"
    Python Run Keyword              JavaFXLibrary2  Click On    ${args}
    ${args}=                        Create List     text="Test Automation & Robot Framework"
    Python Run Keyword              JavaFXLibrary2  Click On    ${args}

    # This is not working.
    #${args}=                        Create List     javafxlibrary.testapps.MenuApp
    #Robot Run Keyword               JavaFXLibrary2  Launch Javafx Application   ${args}
    #${args}=                        Create List     text="Learn"
    #Robot Run Keyword               JavaFXLibrary2  Click On    ${args}
    #${args}=                        Create List     text="Test Automation & Robot Framework"
    #Robot Run Keyword               JavaFXLibrary2  Click On    ${args}

*** Keywords ***
Robot Run Keyword
    [Arguments]    ${libraryName}   ${keyword}  ${keywordParam}
    # How to implement this method in order to get same functionality as in "Python Run Keyword"?
    ${fxLib}=   Get Library Instance    ${libraryName}
    ${fxLib}  Run Keyword     ${keyword}   ${keywordParam}

from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
class MyLib:
  def python_run_keyword(self, fxLibraryName, keyword, keywordParams):
      BuiltIn().get_library_instance(fxLibraryName).run_keyword(keyword, keywordParams, None)