Hello, I have made an test that checks the content of a downloaded Excel file (using the robotframework-excellib library). When the test is done and closes the document and browser, it takes more then a minute:
When I rerun the test without opening and closing the Excel-file, the same closing steps are done in mere tenths of a second:
While debugging I found the part that takes up all the time (please forgive the bad code for debugging):
response = stub.CloseBrowser(Request.Empty())
Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you fix it? While it isn’t a problem at this moment, it will soon be when there are 10 tests coming that all use this technique (and I hate waiting for 10+ minutes for nothing )
This is the part of the test that interacts with the Excel file:
Check excel export
[Arguments] ${documentnaam} ${ordernummer} ${kosten} ${routing} ${vergoeding} ${percentage} ${busmaatschappij}
Open Excel Document ${DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_PATH}/${documentnaam}.xlsx docid
${row}= Set Variable 2
FOR ${index} IN RANGE 1 20
${A}= Read Excel Cell ${index} 2
IF "${A}" == "${ordernummer}"
${row}= Set Variable ${index}
Exit For Loop
${busmaatschappij_kolom}= Read Excel Cell ${row} 1
${ordernummer_kolom}= Read Excel Cell ${row} 2
${kosten_kolom}= Read Excel Cell ${row} 3
${routing_kolom}= Read Excel Cell ${row} 4
${vergoeding_kolom}= Read Excel Cell ${row} 5
${percentage_kolom}= Read Excel Cell ${row} 6
IF "${busmaatschappij}" != "null"
Should Be Equal As Strings ${busmaatschappij_kolom} ${busmaatschappij}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${ordernummer_kolom} ${ordernummer}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${kosten_kolom} ${kosten}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${routing_kolom} ${routing}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${vergoeding_kolom} ${vergoeding}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${percentage_kolom} ${percentage}
Close Current Excel Document
Sleep 1s