Click keyword deprication in the latest Browser lib

Hey, as I get a warning that Click arguments are going to be depricated, does it mean the keyword “click” will be depricated and i need to swap all those to click with options?

If it will stay as a valid keyword, does someone know how to ignore warnings in the log file?

Hi Joel,

In the document you linked to it gives you the answer:

and also:

So that message means you must be using one of these deprecated options, so don’t ignore the wanings they are there to help you avoid future problems, follow the instructions and change you Click keyword call to Click With Options before it’s a problem and the warning will disappear.


Thanks for the fast reply!

Is there an addon or a way to update all click keywords at once?

The best way currently I know is by using ctrl+f in a robot file and replace all instanses with VsCode, however this means I need to go through every robot file as replacing all instances everywhere can cause issues as some documentation or maybe even keywords contain the word “Click”

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Hi Joel,

Not that I know of, you probably want to review each change anyway.

I don’t use VSCode, but some editors (like Notepad++) have the ability to search all files matching a pattern in a directory, so that might help if VSCode can do that.


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