Can I use Appium for MacOS application UI automation (on a MacOS or Windows machine)?

According to a web research it seems to be possible to use to automate MacOS UIs via Appium mac2 Driver. (Seems to use XCTest under the hood.)

Does the Robotframework AppiumLibrary support the Appium driver for MacOS?

My assumption is that XCTest can only be run on MacOS. Consequently it is not possible to emulate MacOS applications on a windows machine. Is this assumption correct? Consequently it’s only possible to use AppiumLibrary to automate MacOS desktop applications run on MacOS.

Totally correct :frowning:

First question : Does the Robotframework AppiumLibrary support the Appium driver for MacOS?
AppiumLibrary is only a set of method that could be imported on .robot files, this set of methods is written using appium-python-client, so what is able to be done with appium and python could be done with Robotframework-AppiumLibrary

Second question : it’s only possible to use AppiumLibrary to automate MacOS desktop applications run on MacOS

Yes , and do not even deserve to be given a try

Unfortunatelly it’s not legal to run MacOS inside of a windows machine (e.g. inside of a virtual machine) even if it would be possible from a technological point of view due to legal reasons I fear.

W.r.t. first question: It seems like the implementation of AppiumLibrary already supports the MacOS drivers → GitHub - eficode-academy/rf-mobile-testing-appium: RobotFramework test automation for mobile environments with Appium?