Tool: Vs code
language : Python
Robot frame work : 1.13.0
Iam using file from PEAK CAN system
to initialize CAN
will be initialize can 1 channel with 500k baudrate can communication working and able to get communication fine.
when iam calling same function in robot frame work using start process api to run in background but iam getting can init error
initialization fails and giving code status 67108864 (0x4000000)
Hello, I would not know what are the difference between running directly and running it through RobotFramework Start Process keyword…
Have you tried running using subprocess from another python script? Maybe it already does not work this way, and the issue would not be related to RobotFramework.
Perhaps the python environment or the user permission (admin vs regular user) are not the same when you run directly or through RobotFramework ? Which could deny access to some resources.
You may have more chances at getting an answer if you ask on the RobotFramework Slack. You could post in the #python channel, then forward the question to the #embedded to attract more attention.