Browser Library and Calendar function

I have this line: Library and also these files are in the same directory. It looks like this: I ran it with Library and with Resource …/Resources/ Both of cases failed.

*** Settings ***
Library String
Resource …/Resources/

*** Test Cases ***
FI date test
${mydate}= Finnish Date 2022-01-13
Log ${mydate}

${mydate}= 	Finnish Date	2022-01-07
Log    ${mydate}

FI date test today
${MyDateU}= Finnish Date Today
${mydatel}= Convert To Lower Case ${MyDateU}
Log ${mydatel}

Sorry about all of this. I have tried to solve this couple of days alone now. It seems that my situation right now is this:

Resource …/Resources/Thinking/DeadEnd.mind

Try creating my example as and fi_date.robot, just those 2 files in the same directory and see if you can get the same result as I did.
Once you have that working, from there you can modify things to see what works and what doesn’t, at least you’ll have a reference point.

Ok I loaded up a windows virtual machine that had python 3.10 on it to try, it’s not the exact same version, I had 3.10.2 where as you had 3.10.0, as you can see the example I gave you works on Windows 10 and python 3.10.2, so there might be a bug in python 3.10.0?


Thanks for advice. I updated my Python for 3.10.2 and tried to run this again. I have got following as a result. I’ll continue to digging what’s creating a problem:

I ran those files from the same directory. Otherwise successful, but not supported locale.
