We would like to announce that the robotframework-databaselibrary, a popular and long time solution for database testing and operations through Robot Framework, has been transferred over to MarketSquare and the Robot Framework community. This will allow the community to build off of the legacy started by Franz See.
I want to send out a very big Thank You to Franz for creating the DatabaseLibrary and sharing this work with the community. I also want to thank those who have contributed to the library like Jerry Schneider who has helped maintain it over the years. Their work has really helped build the Robot Framework community and ecosystem of test automation solutions.
With this transfer of maintainership over to MarketSquare and the Robot Framework community, we set our sight on the future and continued support of the library. Andre Mochinin has volunteered to be part of the team leading the ongoing development and maintenance. I will join him as a co-maintainer and a guide within the Robot Framework ecosystem and community. We are looking for active community members who would like to contribute to the project. If you are actively using the DatabaseLibrary and have a strong interest in contributing please reach out to us.
Once again I want to thank Franz for this work and working with Andre and myself in understanding the importance of his work to the community and our desire to build off his legacy. I also want to thank Andre for reaching out to Franz and his work in building the Robot Framework community.
Torilla Tavataan!
Ed Manlove
Both Andre and Ed can be reached within the Robot Framework Slack Community
About MarketSquare - marketsquare · GitHub : MarketSquare is a place for the Robot Framework community to share robot framework related repositories. Our goals are to provide a visible and central organization for community repositories, work to build teams around projects and join forces with people working on similar projects and goals, and finally to provide for long term maintenance for projects. MarketSquare is modeled after the very successful Github organization, Collective, of another open source project, Plone. MarketSquare is not a money making vehicle like the App Store but derives its name from a place in Finland, birthplace of Robot Framework, where the community comes together to celebrate anything Finnish - the Market Square in Helsinki.