Wait For Condition - ignore case?

Hello, currently I have a test which is using the keyword Should Be Equal As Strings like this:

Should Be Equal As Strings ${value} ${expectedValue} ignore_case=${ignore_case}

I need to change this into something like Wait For Condition, since it takes a fraction of a second to show the right expected value on the screen. If I don’t wait, the wrong value will be stored and the test will fail. I could build in a sleep, but it’s nicer to wait for the right condition. However, the Wait For Condition keyword (Browser Library) does not have the option to ignore case, and I need that for this test. This is because I am converting the name of days (like Monday) to Dutch format and by default Dutch days have lower case names (‘maandag’). However the application I am testing shows the days in upper case (‘Maandag’). Hence the need to ignore case. I could add some extra steps in between, but this keyword is being used for other tests as well, so it is easiest if I could just have something like ‘Wait for condition’ while ignoring upper/lower case.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Note: I should probably have posted this under the libraries - robot library section.

What about Wait Until Keyword Succeeds from built-in keywords? I believe it could fit your need.


Thanks Francis, that seems to work for now!