Existing script design in *** Test Case ***
I need add changes to read data from excel file and then run execution for each row.
DataDriver design to run scripts from *** Keywords ***.
I try ad next: call from Test2.robot to Test1.log to read excel data -> collect all 10 arguments in Test1.log into list variables add pass it to existing file (Test2.robot)… execution is failed.
Error: Setting ‘Test Template’ is not allowed in resource file.
Is it possible to implement in this way or i need to modify existing script?
Is it possible to do next: read excel in Tes1.robot and run execution to Test2.robot after each line using [Tag] name on Tes2.robot?
I try to read loop, but Collection library from Robot Framework is not found. Do i need to install it separately?
*** Settings ***
Documentation This is the script for Create Sales Visit Repository
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library DataDriver file=1.xlsx sheet_name=Sheet1
Test Template Run Data Driven Steps
*** Test Case ***
*** Keywords ***
Run Data Driven Steps
[Arguments] ${Arg1} ${Arg2} ${Arg3} ${Arg4} ${Arg5} ${Arg6} ${Arg7} ${Arg8} ${Arg9} ${Arg10}
@{ListExcelData} Create List ${Arg1} ${Arg2} ${Arg3} ${Arg4} ${Arg5} ${Arg6} ${Arg7} ${Arg8} ${Arg9} ${Arg10}
[Return] @{ListExcelData}
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Resource Test1.robot
*** Test Case ***
[Documentation] About the example test
[Tags] Sanity Testing
Run Data Driven Steps
@{ReturnList} Run Data Driven Steps
FOR ${i} IN RANGE @{ReturnList}
Log ${i}
--- use received arguments to run script
-- call back to Test1.log to get next excel line information
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