Unresolved library: Browser. Error generating libspec: Initializing library 'Browser' with no arguments failed

I have already performed the following:

  1. Install node.js e.g. from Download | Node.js
  2. Update pip pip install -U pip to ensure latest version is used
  3. Install robotframework-browser from the commandline: pip install robotframework-browser
  4. Install the node dependencies: run rfbrowser init

I know there’s a similar post in this forum I am just not sure what my PATH is supposed to be. I just recently upgraded PyCharm to 2022.2 which unfortunately no longer supports Robot Framework Support plugin and had to switch to Robot Framework Language Server.

I am getting this error:
Unresolved library: Browser. Error generating libspec: Initializing library ‘Browser’ with no arguments failed: Couldn’t execute node. Please ensure you have node.js installed and in PATH. See https://nodejs.org/ for instructions. Original error is [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘node’

PyCharm 2022.2
node --version —> v16.9.1
robotframework 5.0.1
robotframework-browser 13.4.0
I am using a virtual environment which is the path I am using for Language Server Python

I’m having the same issue. Did you manage to find a solution?

I am so stuck - did either of you ever figure this out?

Hey Abigail,

Unfortunately i was not able to find a solution to this. I ended up using another plugin called Hyper RobotFramework Support and its been working great so far, the plugin is still being maintained/updated.