Thanks for taking your time to read this post.
I am running into below error message each time I run my robot framework in debug mode. Instead of adding the test setup and test teardown at the test case level, I added them to the setting and declared them in the common.robot file I seem to not able to figure out what did I do run here? When I run the test case without debug mode test runs but will throw the exact same error in the console.
*** Settings ***
# Selenium Library is defined in the Resource
Resource …/Common/M_Dot_Com_Common.robot
Resource …/Resource/Log_In_UserDefinedKeywords.robot
Test Setup Test Case Setup
Test Teardown Test Case Teardown
Hi Helio,
Thanks for taking your time to look at this. If I understand this correctly. If the code is in resource file then it should be ending with .resource, however, I have setup and teardown in the .robot file.
I had them in the resource folder though if that is something Robot consider as resource file automatically instead of looking for .resource as file extension
The reason I put the Test setup and Test Case Teardown under setting was I didn’t want to have them in each of the test case as they use the same url and browser.
In this case (see the code below), if I want to achieve reusability of Test setup and teardown, what would you recommend?
Test Setup Test Case Setup
Test Teardown Close All Browsers
*** Variable ***
${DEFAULT_PAGE}= Contact
more variables that is declared here
*** Test Cases ***
Fill out Contact Us form Sucessfully
#[Setup] Test Case Setup
Given User navigate to the ContactUs link
When User fill out the form with required field
And Click Contact Us button
Then It will display success message
#[Teardown] Close All Browsers
Fill out Contact Us form Validation Failure
#[Setup] Test Case Setup
Given User navigate to the ContactUs link
When User fill out the form with non-required field
And Click Contact Us button
Then It will display fill out the required field message
#[Teardown] Close All Browsers