I’m using the Process Library to call a utility, grpcurl. It works OK, but the lines are very long due to the -d
(data) option and I am wondering if there is a way to split the command, or use line continuation ("…")
I have tried:
- 3 dots starting at column 1 “…” immediately followed by my args
- 3 dots starting at column 1 “…” followed by two spaces and then my args
- Split Command Line
- Catenate
None of them work the way I had hoped.
My goal is to take a very long line, like this:
${result}= Run Process grpcurl -d { "record" : { "f1":"valueforf1", "f2":"valueforf2", "f3": "srawlins@zebra.com", "f4": "Rawlins", "f5": "Steve", "generated_url" : "${url}"}} -plaintext ${service_address}:8080 svc.MyService.CreateMethod stdout=stdout.txt stderr=stderr.txt
and make it more legible by spanning several lines.
But I have found this goal, which I consider to be rather simple, impossible to achieve.
An alternate form of grpcurl data ("-d") input is to supply it immediately, via standard-input, and then use:
-d @
which tells the utility that the data is coming from stdin vs the command argument itself.
I’m using the grpcurl from GitHub - fullstorydev/grpcurl: Like cURL, but for gRPC: Command-line tool for interacting with gRPC servers