RF script works running in cmd, but doesn't if try to run by using Jenkins


as mentioned in the headline, a short RF browser automation script works when running in cmd, but doesn’t if trying to run by using Jenkins. In cmd the automation works fine, means the browser opens physically and you can see the changes by automated clicks. But using Jenkins I get error messages and nothing opens physically.

This is the output using Windows cmd (+ browser automation works fine physically):
(Sorry, as a new user I just can upload 1 picture, but same result as shown under 2).)

And this is the output using Jenkins (+ no physically browser automation):

Commands Ive tried so far on Jenkins (used on Windows machine):

  1. bat script: “robot --nostatusrc ./testPipe05.robot”, returnStatus: true

  2. bat script: “pybot --outputdir results <testPipe08.robot>” (but output is different and some errors appear + no physically browser automation too)

On cmd I just use the command robot testPipe08.robot (tried already this simple comand on Jenkins too, but same result as 1).

Hope someone can help me, because didn’t get it why the script reacts different in this case.

What are the error messages?

In the output with simple robot command, there are no rror messges, but when it runs triggered by Jenkins there is no physically browser automation as happens by using cmd. So, no browser opens, no automated clicking happens and so on. But on cmd it works like this. I don’t know whats wrong. Or do I have to use other Commands under Jenkins/Windows cmd?

Do you use the Jenkins robot plugin? And do you have an build step in which you go to the correct drive and directory? See this Youtube video for example.

How does that jenkins slave/node is started ? While this question may seem irrelevant, any type of GUI automation on windows slave/node is really really relevant.

RF plugin is installed, but do I have to out in some special commands to use it or will be used automatically?

But shouldn’t it run ike under cmd because it’s the same command?

No, it’s running on the master at the moment, because slave is not configured yet.

How is the “master” started then ? On windows if its started as a service, all gui stuff will fail - thats default windows behaviour…

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@Ram-Bazamba Like @EdManlove asked, what are the error messages? It would help if we know what’s going wrong. What are the log and report saying?

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