Hi Team,
I am executing robot script on chrome browser.
My scenario-
step 1- Launch application
step 2- Click link -search inline (this is opening new browser window tab)
step 3- Click on X button on 2 tab
step 4- Application Closes second tab and opens new small window using window.open
step 5- I have to click on button of small window …which is not actual browser tab but its small opened window
When I was on first single tab and I have used code to switch to new window as below which working fine
switch window NEW
But in step #4 application actually closing second and opening small window so in above code I already switch to New window
As that 2nd tab is closed
I am again switching to New Tab using same code -but getting error
NoSuchWindowException: Message: no such window: window was already closed
(Session info: chrome=104.0.5112.102)
How I can switch back to default first window ?
How I can switch to new small window?