New JSON based testsuites management for large projects

Dear community,

we are a small but powerful team from Bosch and are proud to provide to you our powerful
JSON based testsuites management for large projects and large number of variants.

We hope you like it :slight_smile:


robotframework-testsuitesmanagement documentation

We are looking forward to your feedback and contribution!

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Additional information:
In the backend we extended JSON to JSONP which allows to

  • import (nested) JSON files
  • use ${variable} syntax to reference already before defined variables
  • use comments
  • use python syntax (True, False, None, …)
  • . (dot) syntax for dictionary objects

This allows common definitions and hierarchical structures for huge projects.

VSCode Plugin for JSONP syntax:

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We provide also a nice tutorial how to use the testuites management

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Here you find the rendered Tutorial documentation.