Maximize Browser Window is not working for edge

Can anyone help me with the issue Maximize Browser Window Keyword . Want to maximize the edge browser window for the script btu the keyword Maximize Browser Window is not working . And even if I use the Keyword Set Window Size to maximize the browser window of edge , its not working for me .

I’m using Maximize Browser Window and it’s working good with Edge.

Hii Joel ,
I have started working on robot framework and implementing this set up from last 1 month.
one of my colleague were also able to use this keyword before 6 month perfectly , but now even she is facing same issue . Is there any possibility that the recently any configurations has changed or something like that ??


If it was working before for your colleague, this could indeed be a change in configuration/tools.

A first hint is to check compatibilites between RF, Library (Seleniumlibrary I assume), edge driver/selenium driver version and browser used.

Maybe an update of these would solve your problem.


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Does your msedgedriver.exe is the same version as the edge version ? In any doubt download it again. It’s better to use the same version of msedgedriver than edge.