Mailinator and firefox

This is a bit weird one. I have test scenario where i need to fetch OTP via email and the process has been working fine for over 6 months when i’ve been strictly using Chromium as a browser. Recently i added firefox also into the testruns and I’m having problems with it.

I have a following keyword (extra stuff stripped away)

Open Inbox
  [Documentation]   Short description.
  ...   Args:
  ...   ${email}:  base portion of email to use for mailinator service.
  [Arguments]   ${email} 

  VAR   &{viewport_args}   width=1920   height=1080
  New Browser   ${DEFAULT_BROWSER}   headless=${True}   reuse_existing=${False}
  New Context
  ...   viewport=${viewport_args}
  ...   ignoreHTTPSErrors=${IGNORE_HTTPS_ERRORS}
  New Page   ${MAILINATOR_INBOX}?to=${email}

On this case, DEFAULT_BROWSER is set to firefox and MAILINATOR_INBOX is - so far so good.

In log.html i can see following;

05:04:13.609 	INFO 	Successfully initialized new page object and opened url:

And at this point i start polling for my OTP which fails after my timeout and screenshot is taken. When the fail eventually comes and i check the screenshot;

On chromium, that GO text field would contain XXX_MY_EMAIL_HERE_XXX.

Anyone seen this sort of thing happening ? Ofcourse it could be mailinator that it detects a headless firefox (as i cant reproduce this on desktop) but that feels bit odd of them.

Ofcourse in my case, im not testing mailinator so i can just use chrome.


Just some thoughts:

  • Does it work without the headless mode?
  • The field is never filled even after a timeout or until the field contains the mail?
  • And if you try to force the mail in the field?

I assume the field might be automatically field with js, so maybe firebox headless is in cause.


firebox headless is in cause.

That was my first quess too and didn’t try with desktop either cuz “fix” was just to use separate variable for mailinator part and always point it chromium. Nor did i see the state at the start of poll. I should actually have a har of the session but was too lazy to check and just ask if anyone has seen this as mailinator is somewhat often used in testing :slight_smile:

Yes, so personally I don’t use Mailinator, so never saw this :grin:
But I was wondering reason about the missing address.
Tbh I rather use IMAP to get mails contents and extract token or otp since now.