I have below application under test.
I am using Selenium2Library-Python-RobotFramework.
Below is my code where I am fetching the expected price with the help of xpath. For original price I have already set the variables in variable.robot.
${ExpectedPriceProductAPrice} = Get Text xpath=//span[@id='Price']
sleep 2
Log To Console Price is ${ExpectedPriceProductAPrice}
${ExpectedPriceProductACount} = Get Text xpath=//span[@id='Count']
sleep 2
Log To Console Count is ${ExpectedPriceProductACount}
should be equal ${ExpectedPriceProductAPrice} ${OriginalPriceProductAPrice}
should be equal ${ExpectedPriceProductACount} ${OriginalPriceProductACount}
should be equal ${ExpectedPriceProductBPrice} ${OriginalPriceProductBPrice}
should be equal ${ExpectedPriceProductBCount} ${OriginalPriceProductBCount}
I am facing two issues :
- Values are not getting log to console.
- If should be equal is failed for first statement then it is not moving ahead to check all other should be equal conditions