I’m seeking advice on running Robot Framework Browser tests in a CI environment. I understand that setting the PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH environment variable for pre-installed browsers is the recommended approach.
As a temporary solution, I’m trying to use rfbrowser init within my Dockerfile to install browsers directly within the container image.
Unfortunately, using rfbrowser init alone results in a different error: Initializing library 'Browser' with no arguments failed: TypeError: Form
My Setup:
I have Python and Node.js installed in my CI environment using: DockerfileRUN curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | bash RUN apt install -y nodejs Questions:
Does rfbrowser init alone suffice for CI?:
Is using rfbrowser init to install browsers within the Docker image a viable approach for running tests in CI, or are there additional steps required?
Error Explanation:
Can anyone provide insight into the “TypeError: Formatter() takes no arguments” error I’m encountering with rfbrowser init? Is it related to a missing configuration step, or could it be a version incompatibility issue?
Since I use it, I don’t have trouble anymore. I use it as base image and install newer python, node and test dependencies on it. Be aware that the container does not run under root but under pwuser.