ImageCompare ignoring mask.json

Guys, I have a problem when I use ImageCompare Library, I’m comparing 2 images and I’m using mask.json to ignore some minimal differences. But Always is returned “The compared images are different” or my test does not consider the mask.json or is wrong.

I already tested with others percents , but not works.
cause the difference is in the lower left corner of the image

"page": "all",
"name": "Date Pattern",
"type": "pattern",
"pattern": ".*[0-9]{2}-[a-zA-Z]{3}-[0-9]{4}.*"
"page": "1",
"name": "Top Border",
"type": "area",
"location": "top",
"percent":  80
"page": "1",
"name": "Left Border",
"type": "area",
"location": "left",
"percent":  80
"page": "1",
"name": "Bottom Border",
"type": "area",
"location": "bottom",
"percent":  80
"page": "1",
"name": "Margin Bottom",
"type": "area",
"location": "margim",
"percent":  80
"page": 1,
"name": "Top Rectangle",
"type": "coordinates",
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"height": 10,
"width": 210,
"unit": "mm"


Two things you could try:

  1. Try out the GitHub - manykarim/robotframework-doctestlibrary instead of imagecompare.
    It has a few more dependencies, but it is better maintained.

  2. Use the mask editor from doctestlibrary
    robotframework-doctestlibrary/ at main · manykarim/robotframework-doctestlibrary · GitHub

It will allow you to load an image and draw rectangles on it. Afterwards the rectangles can be exported as a json, so they can be used as a mask to ignore parts.

Can you also show your test case and the keywords? Just to make sure all parameters are passed properly.

And do you see any ignored (blue) areas in your screenshots? Or are the masked areas completely ignored?