I can not use 'Take Screenshot' keyword

I have followed all steps in the guide but was not able to install RPA.Browser.Playwright for using Take Screenshot keyword, I need a full page screenshot looking only able to handle with this keyword.
Anyone can help me?

No keyword with name ‘Take Screenshot’ found. Did you mean:
Setup_Teardown.Page Screenshot

Could you share the guide you were using? Has library been imported?

I have used this guide now try to open the brand new project and working as expected but still cannot handle implementing the current project. Some keywords comment with Selenium Library and ask for each keyword

BlockquoteMultiple keywords with name ‘Close Browser’ found. Give the full name of the keyword you want to use:
RPA.Browser.Playwright.Close Browser
SeleniumLibrary.Close Browser

You can fix it as mentioned in error message. Use library name before keyword to specify which you need to use. And why yould want to use 2 different libraries for same automation?

There are many common keywords :smile:
Actually, only I need to take a screenshot of the full page not only curser view. Take a screenshot of RPA.Browser.Playwright is the only solution that I found.