I am Using threading in robotframework through a custom library and ran the keywords in a parallel manner After the execution the reports are not generating properly

After the execution the reports are not generating properly
reports and log link
Here is the python code for threading

import threading
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn

thread_list =

class thread_that_runs_kw(threading.Thread):
def init(self, name, kwname, *args):
self.name = name
self.kw = kwname
self.args = args
self.result = None

def run(self):
    print("starting thread: %s" % self.name)
    self.result = BuiltIn().run_keyword(self.kw, *self.args)
def run(self):
    print("starting thread: %s" % self.name)
    self.result = BuiltIn().run_keyword(self.kw, *self.args)

def wait_for_threads():

return_dict = {}
for thread_obj in thread_list:
    return_dict[thread_obj.name] = thread_obj.result

return return_dict

def run_kw_in_thread(thread_id, kw, *args):
t = thread_that_runs_kw(thread_id, kw, *args)

Robot test file

*** Settings ***
Library threads.py

*** Test Cases ***
Run multiple threads
run kw in thread thread-1 keyword1
run kw in thread thread-2 keyword2
${k}= wait for threads
log to console harsha
Log to console ${k}

*** Keywords ***
log to console 11
sleep 8
log to console 15
[Return] 20 30
log to console ka
sleep 5
[Return] 10