It’s not clear what your question is if there is one?
I’m guessing you got a http 500 error and were expecting to get something else? Or perhaps you were expecting to get the http 500 and don’t want that marked as a fail?
look at the response body that came back with the http 500, well written applications will tell you exactly whats missing, but unfortunately well written applications are rare
next compare the request headers and request body from the POST On Session keyword’s log to the request headers and body that postman sends.
The most common reasons for getting a http 500 error are:
something missing from the request body that the server requires
A request header is missing that the server requires
A cookie is missing that the server requires (cookies are in the request header)
Actually HTTP protocol is very simple it’s all clear text and and there only 3 things you need to check:
the request URL
the request body
the request headers
If you get all 3 right the request will give you the response you want.
Just showing your robot code with no context, Unfortunately no one is going to be able to help you, there is simply not enough information and we don’'t know your application or it’s site specific implementation details.
Can you show the working request headers and request body from Postman as well as the ones sent by Robot Framework that failed, then I might be able to work out what’s missing or what the issue might be.