I am working with the robot framework and using the allure framework to generate the test report.
When I generate the report for both passed and failed test cases, it displays the severity graph like this,
When I generate the report for both all passed test cases, it displays the severity graph like this,
But, I want to know, how to get the severity graph with various statuses (Blocker, Critical, Normal, Minor, Trivial) like this,
This is my code,
`*** Settings ***
Resource /resource/path/new.robot
Library DataDriver file=/resource/path/New.xlsx encoding=UTF-8
Test Setup Begin Test
Test Template Fill the form
Test Teardown Close Browser
*** Test Cases ***
Fill the form
*** Keywords ***
Begin Test
Open Browser ${BASE_URL} gc
maximize browser window
Fill the form
[Arguments] ${Email} ${Password}
input text ${LOCATOR_Email} ${Email}
capture page screenshot
input text ${LOCATOR_Password} ${Password}
capture page screenshot
Click element xpath://html/body/app-root/div/form/button
Sleep 10s
# Login to the page
click element xpath://html/body/app-root/div/app-sidebar/div/ul/li[9]/a/p
sleep 10s
capture page screenshot
# Select the method
click element xpath://html/body/app-root/div/mat-radio-button/label/span[1]
Sleep 1s
## Enter the date
input text ${LOCATOR_Date} 10
capture page screenshot
Sleep 1s
# Continue button
Click element xpath://html/body/app-root/div/form/button
Sleep 2s`
I have no idea about these severity graphs, so I have followed many more files including the below links to find the details;
But I couldn’t get any ideas about this. Could you please explain this simply?
Any guidance and advice will be greatly appreciated!