How to call a test suite that is nested

I prefer to folder my test suites but I get the following error when running the test. I am using PyCharm as IDE. I do not receive the error when I call the test suite if it resides directly under folder Tests

Parsing ‘Tests\BlahForms\Blah.robot’ failed: File or directory to execute does not exist.

My folder structure is as follows:

From Terminal command line my code:
robot -d Results Tests/BlahForms/Blah.robot

You are not at the directory you think you are.

1 - Open command window/terminal
2- Enter cd <path_to>\PROJECT
3- Confirm that you are at correct dir: cd
4 - Execute tests: robot -d Results Tests\BlahForms\Blah.robot

@HelioGuilherme66 Thank you for the feedback. The issue was not using quotes when a space exists between Blah Forms. I neglected to use proper syntax.

This worked for me:
robot -d Results “Tests/Blah Forms/Blah.robot”