Format of Failure Node in XML File when Using --xunit

Hello All!

I have been using Robot Framework for a number of years now… I recently changed my running CMD-Line params to use the --xunit so that the XML output would be in the correct format to exchange data with the Zephyr program from SmartBear Software.

The Generated XML file has “a wrong format” for a Failure Node when it is imported into Zephyr. The Failure Node is NOT seen as a Failure - proceeds to Success in Zephyr.

See the code examples below :

Issue when using --xunit cmd-line (to generate a JUnit XML file - used to pass data to Zephyr - the Pass/Fail test results)

Original Test Case Failure :

** ^^ Above ^^ - Does NOT show up as a Failure when imported into Zephyr **

This patched XML will show the failure correctly in Zephyr :

Incorrect NEW Browser TAB Title

JUnit Format From : Linux Lighting Group - JUnit XML reporting file format for Jenkins

<failure message=“”
failure description

Version Info :

Python 3.9.10

robotframework 6.0.2
robotframework-pythonlibcore 4.0.0
robotframework-requests 0.9.4
robotframework-selenium2library 3.0.0
robotframework-seleniumlibrary 6.0.0

Hi Steve,

Can you please share if there is any update/workaround to handle this. I am also facing the same issue.


We have no real work around at this point… :frowning:

I Filed Bug report with the above info.

You will need GitHub userid/password to see this info.


Thank you Steve. I will follow this bug for further updates…