Few questions about SeleniumTestability

Not sure how to use this library correctly. Documentation says that it provides automatic detection of asynchronous events. Does it mean that if load SeleniumLibrary with this plugin enabled it automatically prevents execution of any Selenium keywords when something is happening in the background? Or maybe I have to use keyword Wait For Testability Ready in places where I am expecting transitions, animation and so on?

There are few things:

Waiting for async events depends on injected code into a web page …

Injection can happen either automatically or manually. Automatic injection can be toggled by a keyword or by parameters passed to the plugin.

When your page is “instrumented”, actual waiting can happen either automatically (again, if automatic waiting is enabled by plugin parameters or with with Wait For Testability ready kw) …

Automatic waiting happens when any calls to Selenium ends up in EventFiringWebDriver slots mentioned here: selenium.webdriver.support.event_firing_webdriver — Selenium 3.141 documentation

Also, you can use Wait For Testability Ready also when automatic waiting is enabled …

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