Facing chrome headless issue while running the robot script in ubuntu VM machine

robot test_headless_3.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Open Google in Headless Mode
${options}= Evaluate sys.modules[‘selenium.webdriver’].ChromeOptions() sys, selenium.webdriver
Call Method ${options} add_argument --headless
Call Method ${options} add_argument --no-sandbox
Call Method ${options} add_argument --disable-dev-shm-usage
Call Method ${options} add_argument --disable-gpu
Call Method ${options} add_argument binary_location=${CHROME_PATH}
${service}= Evaluate sys.modules[‘selenium.webdriver’].chrome.service.Service(${CHROME_DRIVER_PATH}) sys, selenium.webdriver
Open Browser ${URL} ${BROWSER} options=${options} service=${service}
Title Should Be Google
Close Browser

output and error :

Test Headless 3

Open Google in Headless Mode | FAIL |
Calling method ‘add_argument’ failed: TypeError: ArgOptions.add_argument() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘binary_location’

Test Headless 3 | FAIL |
1 test, 0 passed, 1 failed

Output: /home/rameshm/output.xml
Log: /home/rameshm/log.html
Report: /home/rameshm/report.html

I am facing this issue .
While running it in my local ubuntu machine, it is working. But while running it in the ubuntu VM machine, i am facing the above error
i am runnning this as a chrome headless but still this error keep occuring.

Does anybody faced this error before. if yes, please provide your support to resolve this issue.

Sounds like you have library version mismatch between whats installed in your VM vs what you have installed locally. Easiest way to solve this is to use same exact versions of your libraries.