I can run the below in the console without any problems. When I run it within robot using the browserlibrary, I get the returned error:
Error: locator.evaluate: Unsupported token “{” while parsing css selector “(function(){ document.getElementById(“tree”).scrollTop = document.getElementById(“tree”).scrollHeight; })()”. Did you mean to CSS.escape it?
Call log:
waiting for (function(){ document.getElementById(“tree”).scrollTop = document.getElementById(“tree”).scrollHeight; })()
that `Evaluate JavaScript´ also gave me so many headaches
If I see it correctly, you just want to run some JS code without passing any arguments.
If that’s the case, try it like that:
Its been a while; I hope all is well
Ive tried as that already unfortunately and I get the same error
Thanks for suggestions though and yes, many headaches with `Evaluate JavaScript´