'Element text should be' in the Browser library


Which keyword in the Browser library do the same as the selenium library keyword ‘Element text should be’?


In Browser most if the Get ... keywords are assertions.

In your specific case it would be:

Get Text    <selector>    should be    <expected>

See here how assertions work:

And look into the Get keywords for some examples.



Another question:
Which keyword in the Browser library do the same as the selenium library keyword ‘Page Should Contain Element’?

Get Element States   <selector>    contains    attached

Or visible or other states you are looking for.

I use: Get Element

If it succeeds it returns: INFO Locator found successfully.
And if it failed in returns:
FAIL TimeoutError: locator.elementHandle: Timeout 10000ms exceeded.
=========================== logs ===========================
waiting for selector “xpath=//*[@id=“menu-list-grow”]”

Is it OK?