Data Driven Test Structure

Hi All , my test cases need to verify texts at different steps and these text are language based. i am using test template and pass the different text in test case . It works fine when i have test case and test template both are defined in same file the moment i change the file location of test cases (to have it inside the suit) it never finds the variable.
for eg:
[Arguments] {Url} {Browser} {Logo} {MsgHeading} {Thankyou} Element Should Be Visible {Logo}
Element Should Contain Locator {MsgHeading} Element Text Should Be Locator {Thankyou}
Test case
[Template] FlexFormSingleStep
Url Browser Logo MsgHeading Thankyou
{UrldirectpointIntKontakt_FR} {IE} {logoFR} {MsgHeading_FR} ${Thanku_FR}