Comments for Wait For All Promises

Topic for comments about Browser library keyword Wait For All Promises


I want to use this keyword and return the reponses, but that doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas?

I am curious about proper usage for Wait For All Promises kw. Is it recommended in user KWs, test/suite teardowns, or both?

In my test cases I use various Wait For ${promise} in my user keywords. At the ends of my test cases though I get warnings even though my tests pass correctly. I’m assuming this is from promises in a TRY/EXCEPT that ended up clearing themselves away like tooltips on a hover.

[ WARN ] Waiting unresolved promises at the end of test ‘$TEST NAME’

My assumption was correct it seems. The Wait For All Promises is a catch all for any lingering promises at the end of a test case. It resolved the [ WARN ] Waiting unresolved promises at the end of test ‘$TEST NAME’ message in my logs.