Hello everybody,
on a specific web page I have a problem to address elements. Like in this case below. Here the link to the page:
On other pages I have no problem and I have no idea what to do with this? ID or NAME should work but does not.
Does anyone have an idea?
Thank you very much.
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
# Resource ../Resources/selfhtml_allgemein.robot
*** Test Cases ***
Open Browser https://wiki.selfhtml.org/extensions/Selfhtml/frickl.php/Beispiel:HTML_input-Element1.html#view_result edge
Sleep 3s
Form elements
Input Text id:Vorname Prenametest
Sleep 2s
Input Text id:Zuname Surnametest
Sleep 2s
Click Element id:männl # Radio Button männlich male
Click Element id:alter # Checkbox über 18 above 18
Sleep 4s
# Verifikation Formular
Radio Button Shold Be Set To id=männl # Radio Button männlich male
Checkbox Should Be Selected id=alter # Checkbox über 18 above 18
Sleep 4s
Click Button value:Und ab damit!
Sleep 2s
Close Browser
Close Browser