Hello Everybody
I have a problem with the Check Checkbox/Uncheck Checkbox keyword. The error I get is as follows:
Error: elementHandle.check: Evaluation failed: Error: Not a checkbox
at InjectedScript.isCheckboxChecked (__playwright_evaluation_script__2:1057:15)
at eval (__playwright_evaluation_script__36:1:33)
at UtilityScript.callFunction (__playwright_evaluation_script__3:305:24)
at UtilityScript.<anonymous> (__playwright_evaluation_script__37:1:44)
Note: use DEBUG=pw:api environment variable and rerun to capture Playwright logs.
I use The Browser library and that is my code:
${FMD_put} Get Element xpath=/html/body/div[2]/div/div[3]/div[3]/div/settings-page >> css=app-frame >> xpath=davinci-tabs/davinci-tab[1]/application-settings >> css=div >> xpath=mcrs-collapse[2]/p[2]/div/span[1]/davinci-checkbox
Sleep 1s
Check Checkbox ${FMD_put}
However I am surprised that the get checkbox state keyword ist working fine.
I would be very happy about any help or advice
Does really not sound like a checkbox.
Checkboxes are <input type="checkbox"> elements with the attribute type set to checkbox.
Try to use just click on that element.
Ps: why does your selector look like it looks like?
This switching between xpath and css…
Do you have shadowdoms?
I would strongly recommend to avoid these //div[2] thinks. The numbers in xpath. They are evil. Hige rosk of future maintenance issues.
Hi Rene
Thanks for your tip. With the click keyword it works fine. But I am still a bit surprised that the Get Checkbox State Keyword is doing fine on the same Element …
Yes I have shadowdoms therefore I switch between css and xpath. But I have no other idea how to reach the elements, since none of the elements has a unique ID. Do you have any idea how to do that?
No general one. do not just copy xpath. Try to understand what makes an element unique within one shadowdom.
I would generally prefer css over xpath. typically i would use css for element selection and xpath only if i have to go up the tree and text sometimes.