Can not send API using Graphql

Hi There,

I also facing 400 Bad Request in response while sending request using Graphql.
Below is our code:

Blockquote*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library RequestsLibrary
Library JSONLibrary
Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem

*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Do a POST Request and validate the response code, response body, and response headers

Create Session      mysession
${file_name}=  Get Binary File   ${CURDIR}\\test.json
&{body}=    create dictionary  query= query { places { name } }
&{header}=  create dictionary   Content-Type=application/json
log to console  ${file_name}
${response}=  POST On Session   mysession   /  data=${file_name}   headers=${header}
log to console  ${response}
Status Should Be  200  ${response}

Data file: test.json
query {
places {

The error occurred:
HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:
Do you guys have any idea on it please let me know.
Many thanks

I solved by update test.json file
“query”: “{ places {name}}”

${file_name}= Get Binary File ${CURDIR}\test.json
${response}= POST On Session mysession / data=${file_name} headers=${header}
But i still facing same error if i use : &{body}= create dictionary query= query { places { name } }.