Dear process automationeers,
as our current project closes in on production state, robotframework-camunda
experiences a new feature: with version 0.9.0 it is now possible to start a process before or after any activity of a process in Camunda.
Upgrade with
pip install robotframework-camunda==0.9.0
*** Settings ***
Library CamundyLibrary.ProcessDefinition ${CAMUNDA_HOST}
Library Collections
*** Variables ***
${PROCESS_KEY} apply for job promotion
*** Tasks ***
Start process in the middle
${priviliged_colleague} Employee with good connections to his boss
${cv} CV
start process ${PROCESS_KEY} variables=${priviliged_colleague} files=${cv} after_activity_id= 'Activity_ask_boss_for_persmission'
*** Keywords ***
Employee with good connections to his boss
${employee} Create Dictionary employee=John Doe persmision_for_application_granted=${True}
[Return] ${employee}
${files} Create Dictionary cv=documents/
[Return] ${files}