Calling and Validating gRPC Methods

We are switching from RESTful API to gRPC calls at my company. Anyone used Robot Framework to invoke services coded as gRPC methods?

Well I knew nothing about gRPC, so I did a little research and it seems I have good and bad news.

The good news gRPC - Wikipedia seems to be basically a fancy way of saying REST over HTTP/2 so once there is a library that supports HTTP/2 calls you should be good to go.

Now for the bad news, the most commonly used library for testing web API’s is the robotframework-requests | Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for requests which I believe wraps the python requests library, from what I can find there is no support for HTTP/2 in the python requests library yet, it seem people are being advised to migrate to python httpx library but I couldn’t find a robot framework library for httpx yet (Probably because it’s still in beta)

Another option that might work is to use the Http keyword in as the Browser library will then use a real browser to send the http request for you, I know Chrome and probably Firefox will support HTTP/2, this will have more overhead than the requests library as you are opening a browser, but it may be a workable solution.

All the above is the result of my searching around and may not be 100% correct, but hopefully it’s at least helpful,


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grpc works in a way that you define a protocol, and then use the provided tools to generate client and server implementation - for Python specific stuff, grpc provides this quick tutorial: Basics tutorial | Python | gRPC

Now, once there’s a python client, getting that to work with robot as keyword library is pretty much the business are normal…

so, answer to OP:

Possible, will require you to make some bit of glue code to make the python code <-> robotframework work. Biggest hurdle is probably if your grpc endpoints require some form of streams, in those cases, one probably needs some state handling on the python layer …

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Thanks, Dave. Good observations. Looking back, my original post is open-ended, vague - or, at least, a big topic covering basics of the Session-layer. It’s like asking: How do you test HTTP using RF? Or - “how do you test network calls using RF?” Very far removed, in my opinion, from Application Testing. I will update here as my journey continues. I am also looking at other testing tools, a survey of the field. There are scores of them.

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Thanks, Jani, for the Python-specifics. Robot is, of course, Python-friendly. A great feature of RF is the way a Python function def can be invoked as Keyword, just by replacing the underscores with spaces. I love that feature. As I learn more about gRPC API, I will post here with my findings. Right now, I am using grpcurl and grpcui to ad-hoc test some services and that’s all I am comfortable with.

I am having some success using Library Process and invoking grpcurl with parameters, such as: ${result}= Run Process /usr/local/bin/grpcurl -plaintext ${service_address}${method}

Hi @steve

did you execute grpc with Robot? Do you have some snippets?


Yes, using Process Library to invoke grpcurl

${result}=   Run Process    grpcurl   -d   { "tenant_id":"${NEW_TENANT_ID}"}   -plaintext    ${TENANT_URL}  tenant.TenantService.Get   stdout=stdout.txt   stderr=stderr.txt

Note, when creating objects, you must send the data -d before the -plaintext and host info