Browsermobproxy not capuring the whole HAR file

This is my sample code:

*** Settings ***
Library                     Selenium2Library
Library                     Collections
Library                     OperatingSystem
Library                     BrowserMobProxyLibrary

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}                  Chrome

*** Keywords ***
Start Browser
          Set Selenium Implicit Wait  10
          Start Local Server      ${CURDIR}/DownloadFiles/browsermob-proxy.bat   options={'port': 8090}
          ${BrowserMob_Proxy}=    create proxy
          open browser      ${PAGE_URL}      ${BROWSER}         ${BrowserMob_Proxy}  executable_path=${CURDIR}/DownloadFiles/chromedriver.exe

Close Browsers
          Close All Browsers
          Stop Local Server

*** Test Cases ***
Check something
          [Documentation]         Check the page title
          Start Browser
          #Go to                   ${PAGE_URL}
          New Har                 google
          ${har}=                 get har as json
          create file             C:/har/file.har     ${har}
          log to console          ${har}
          log to console          Browsermob Proxy HAR file saved as C:/har/file.har
          Close Browsers

The output I am getting is : "log": {"version": "1.2", "creator": {"name": "BrowserMob Proxy", "version": "2.1.4", "comment": ""}, "pages": [{"id": "google", "startedDateTime": "2023-03-23T11:36:57.997+05:30", "title": "google", "pageTimings": {"comment": ""}, "comment": ""}], "entries": [], "comment": ""}}

It doesn’t have any entry here. Can someone please help me here what am I missing.

Hi Riya,

I wasn’t aware of BrowserMobProxyLibrary, so thank you :+1:

If I was to guess, it’s because the browser didn’t do anything while between creating the har and saving it, maybe open the browser on a blank page, create the har, navigate to the url and then save the har, something like this:

*** Settings ***
Library                     Selenium2Library
Library                     Collections
Library                     OperatingSystem
Library                     BrowserMobProxyLibrary

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}                  Chrome

*** Keywords ***
Start Browser
          Set Selenium Implicit Wait  10
          Start Local Server      ${CURDIR}/DownloadFiles/browsermob-proxy.bat   options={'port': 8090}
          ${BrowserMob_Proxy}=    create proxy
          open browser      about:blank      ${BROWSER}         ${BrowserMob_Proxy}  executable_path=${CURDIR}/DownloadFiles/chromedriver.exe

Close Browsers
          Close All Browsers
          Stop Local Server

*** Test Cases ***
Check something
          [Documentation]         Check the page title
          Start Browser
          New Har                 google
          Go to                   ${PAGE_URL}
          ${har}=                 get har as json
          create file             C:/har/file.har     ${har}
          log to console          ${har}
          log to console          Browsermob Proxy HAR file saved as C:/har/file.har
          Close Browsers

I’m only guessing, but hopefully it helps,


Thank you so much @damies13 for your quick response. I tried what you have suggested but still getting empty entries. Any idea what is missing

Hi Riya,

My first guess was without looking at the documentation, seems I was right about the need to do the browser activity between New Har and get har as json.

But now your problem seems to be related to the proxy settings in this line:

 open browser      about:blank      ${BROWSER}         ${BrowserMob_Proxy}  executable_path=${CURDIR}/DownloadFiles/chromedriver.exe

when I refer to the Libraries main page, in their basic example they did:

Create Webdriver        ${BROWSER}    proxy=${BrowserMob_Proxy}

I’m not sure how you set the proxy settings for open browser, but i think its a value you add to options, it’s been a few years since I did it last.

I’d suggest you just start by following the basic example they provide, get that working first, then change just the browser, if it’s still working change 1 thing at a time till you get it doing what you want.

I’m not really sure what the difference between open browser and Create Webdriver is but the do appear to have very different arguments, so you can’t just substitute one for the other, you’ll need to make sure you structure the arguments correctly to ensure the browser uses the proxy that BrowserMobProxyLibrary creates
